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Avatar since: 11/15/06

Age: 42
United States - NY
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Hey guys sorry i haven't been very active or created any new products in a while thats just because i've been busy (new place in different city, moving, new job, and life in general). But I will be creating some new products expanding on the ninja gear line and and many other different things. And I will be adapting or if i have to create new ninja armor and Gi's for females (have been getting some requests for female gear) and some new gear for females and males. I'll be sure put those in the catalog as soon as possible.
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Cool Stuff at BlingJam.com

Cool Stuff at BlingJam.com

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Innertube Pool Float[XP] Classic Pool V2 Snd[ACS] TROPICAL ISLANDspacerspacer
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You Are 72% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
You Are 24% Feminine, 76% Masculine
You are in touch with your masculine side.
You are not overly sensitive and not easily moved.
Occasionally, though, something will get through and touch your heart!
You Are a Dragon
You are very charismatic and incredibly popular.
People are drawn to your energy, but you are a very difficult person to get to know.
You are very active - you are usually hard at work or play.
You enjoy drama, and you enjoy anything unusual or eccentric.
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force Character Are You?

You are Frylock! Probably the only person with brains, your tough and smart. You kick some serious ass.
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What Color Is Your Aura?

Your aura shines Red!
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What Was Your Past Life?

You were a Roman Gladiator!
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