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Om Mig
Avatar since: 2006-01-29

Age: 39
United States
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Im like counsler,online! Talk to me if need
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship


I am SO procrastinating on my studies...well the semester just started, so now I have all the time in the world to do stuff!!! I am going to force out some bit of creativity and either re-do the design theme (highly unlikely) or simple redecorate, rearrange and update the writing (very much the way I will do it ~easy way out is always the best b^o^d) *with a determined look on her face, she turns to her webpage, she pauses and thinks ~This is gonna be a while~*

I realize that when other people actually see my page (not from my 'preview' point-of-view) then most of the sticker, from this 'About Me' section, are covering up my words O.O So I must relocate all the stickers to another part of my page, have fun searching.


Thank you very much for coming by and visiting my page. Please enjoy yourself, I have a lot of stickers and videos that are sure to entertain you. I am trying my best to create certain themes, not to the page, but just for your entertaining pleasure, that way you can see something new on my page. But there is one thing that I am never going to change and that is my background. I can be safe in saying that I am the only person on IMVU (that I know of) that has this background, or at least the first person to do as such. So if anyone else out there has this background, then I am flattered because you stole my idea...mimicry is the most sincerest form of flattery XD. So please enjoy yourself while you are here.

Everyone loves receiveing messages, but I do not B*#%H about you not leaving me a message. I am just happy that you came by my page b^.^d *two thumbs up to you*

Take care everyone and have yourself a funtabulous, awesome-tastic, wonderful day.

^.^v *Peace, Love & Anime* ~HoshikoCho


Update info on...

"White Haired Men of Sexiness" :9

I have started adding pics of some hotties, such as Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha. I will be including more as time goes on. If you have any suggestions I will be more than happy to hear them.


You guys are so awesome!!! I love this site. Here is the quick jist about be...I love anime and manga (any and all series), I love dressing up...cosplay is may fav (I haven't done anything too good...yet ^_~), I am 50% Puerto Rican (PR=hot momma *roar*), but I am so much more American than anything else, I love space (stars, moons, galaxies, etc), which I must include that I got to college studying Astronomy, Physics, and my time on here varies, I am shy...but that doesn't last, I can be really silly at times ^o^, which goes to say that I do not always act my age, I have an excellent sense of humor (and I also love long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners....sorry, I had to continue with the dating service, I also love cute creatures (especially doggie and puppies), sexy chicas, and pretty stuff...simple huh? My fav anime hotties are Sesshy and Kadaj...give me a guy with while hair (well...almost any guy) and I am in love *squeel X3*


I realize that for me it is very difficult to chat with a lot of people using this program, so I apologize...I APOLOGIZE TO THE WORLD (Ritsu is so silly X3)...if I don't accept your requests to chat, it is not because I don't want to, it is just hard T.T. So please keep trying I would love to talk with all of you one day ^_~
And I sometimes put my messenger to 'Do Not Disturb' that usually means that I am currently have fun dressing up my avi-dolly and preparing her for your viewing pleasure X3
And another thing. I don't cyber. I have nothing against those that do (it is fun hearing their stories ^^). But for me, it just doesn't work. I hope that this doesn't offend anyone. I have a lot of respect for those with such creativity and passion that they can express it through writing. I am just horrible with it XP Reality works best for me ^.^v But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy a good tease once in a while ^.~
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This is my Gaia avi, so if you see me around the name is KozuMikku...and if you can't tell, yes, I love purple ^.^


Let's start a list of my fav animes/mangas:

Sailor Moon (always #1) * Fruits Basket * Inu Yasha * Wallflower/Perfect Girl Evolution * Chrono Crusade * Ouran High School Host Club * Aishiteru ze Baby * Gravitation * Tsubaba * Cardcaptor Sakura * Digimon (guilty pleasure) * Pokemon (another guilty pleasure) * DBZ (another of my first's) * Ceres: Celestial Legend * Get Backers * Battle Vixens/Ikkitousen (hot ^.~) * Juvenile Orion * Yu-Gi-Oh * His and Her Circumstances * Spirited Away * Naruto (only read manga...never going to watch english...have yet to watch Japanese) * Bring it On! * Marmalade Boy * Negima * Love Hina * DN Angel * Wolf's Rain * Cowboy Bebop * Samuri Champloo * more to come...


OMG I just started playing WOW (World of Warcraft) and now I am completely hooked. It is so freakin' addicting, I think that everyone should have a chance to play. I started as a Night Elf Druid...sooo fun ^^ And once the new alliance comes out (the Draenie) with the expansion and I so hitting that (I don't really like the blood elves). They look soo cool with the blue skin and glowy eyes *sighs of joy*

My Recent Visitors (0)
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Okay, I would love to send ppl a thanks message for coming by and visiting my page, but recently I have found myself sending message to ppl who have already visited my page *smacks forehead*, and I feel like a total idiot. So, unfortunatly, I am no longer going to be doing that, I am just going to reply to messages from you. This won't stop me from coming by and visiting your page and possibly leaving a message of sorts, but I won't say something like "thanks for visiting my page", although I am not as generic as that...
Min Önskelista
My well-cared-for bamboo :S

If you like classical music, jrock, jpop, boy bands, and Boa...this is the song and music video for you ^.^

Okay, I know that my wishlist is long, super-long, longer than I actually intend it to be O.O The reason is because I don't have the try it pass. So what I do is put all the 50 million-ba-gillion things that I see are cute and that I might want into my wishlist. I later go sifting through my wishlist, getting rid of things that I don't really need (but I might later want), and those things that I would love to have. So please do not be overwhelmed by my list. I will eventually shorten it. But if you wish to give me something, everything is free game. I am not a picky person when it comes to people's generosity X3.

I must include that I am not a greedy person, I too GIVE gifts...that is when I have credits :S
Berry Lg Neko Ears[Miku Hair w/ Headset][Ck] Luna SkinTF Brilliant Eyes TealSteel 7pc Celtic Cuff3 F
[Miski] [Miku Top][Miku Skirt w/ Legging][I] Kitsune StickerAnann Tail (F)Anann Ears (F)
Anann Fur (F)Ikazuchi FurRaikou FurKaze Element FurMizu Element Fur
[8O8]  BRATT PACKNekoRings 2pierced4uSlvrNeko Earrings Lft SilverNeko Earrings Rt SilverNeko Earring Pairs Drvbl
Mina Intressen
~~~~~ "White Haired Men of Sexiness" ~~~~~
I am finally starting to work on it. If you have any suggestions as to who else to add to this space of sexiness just let me know.

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Let's start with Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha :3

~~~~~ Proper Ways To Present Yourself to Your Enemies ~~~~~

~~~Step 1: Look hot!~~~


~~~ Step 2: KILL! ~~~

anime, Friends, CHEESE, Art, Movies, music, manga, Family, sesshomaru, halo, cosplay, X-men, Cartoons, Clubbing, Taekwondo, World of Warcraft, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Doggies, conventions, Fruits Basket, sailor moon, Teen titans, Inu Yasha, PGSM
Kontakta Mig
I wan't to apologize in advance (but I will do it again no matter what), there are times when I just go surfing through IMVU and I don't always leave a message on your page. It is nothing against you, or me being lazy, it is just that I am a visual person and I love looking at all the wonderful people and their homepages ^.^ Sometimes I will leave a message...but again, I don't do it that often. Please don't take any offences to it, because I don't mean anything by it. And that goes to say that I don't always read what is on your page. I like looking at all the pretty pictures (reinforcing my simplistic mindset). So if I am chatting w/ you and I don't know about something that is written on your page, please don't be angry...I have just not read and I will eventually get to it. I don't want to come off as lazy or stupid (but I probably have done that so far *shoves foot in mouth*).

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My Friends (1)
I love my friends! They are the greatest in the
world ^o^ I hope that all of you have the
opportunity to meet these wonderful people!

Okay, I know that all the stickers on my page are of Moon, but my fav senshi has to be Saturn. She is so bad @$$ with the awesome glave, and super powers, and best-est looking outfit, and her color is purple and my fav color is purple XD
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Mina grupper Kolla in IMVU Grupper!
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728 posts from 2666 members
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sesshomaru and inuyasha lovers

31 posts from 81 members
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